What kind of country do we want Greece to be in ten years from now? Will the characteristics of the Greek identity be affected by the monetary crisis? How will we perceive Greece in 2022 and how will we be perceived by our friends, allies, observers and competitors abroad? How we can influence the way others see us? Within the narrative context "Greece 2022" the design studios will create their own version of our future. During Design Walk 2012, nothing will be left undisclosed. The designers will confront the present, suggesting a different future, ambitious, intelligent, optimistic, extroverted and humorous. "We need this now, more than ever. The issue is purely existential. We cannot create a different future without having imagined it first".
Greece 2022
11 creative studios, 11 aspects of our lives, 10 years later
3, 4 and 5 February 2012
[ the website ]
[ part A]
Sereal Designers
Ten years later, everything is under way. Today's policies condemn the future.
Does imagination play any role in change? In order to imagine the future one must first envision the present.
Embarrassment or conceit? Participation or denial? Imagination or fantasy? Labyrinth thoughts in search of tomorrow's light.
concept : design : inter/national
Vakalo 10 years Master of Arts
Within the ominous portents of daily life and the endless banality, there are bright moments that escape, showing a future that will be the result of orderly planning (design), based on ideas (concept), which will bring in creative contact the private and the public, the local and the global (inter/national). Exhibition of 25 selected projects.
3 in a box
Using data from global paradigms and from Greek reality, we speculate on our future entrepreneurial behavior
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