Georgios Xenos
An exhibition titled Passers-by, onlookers and people looked at by visual artist Georgios Xenos will take place at the archaeological Museum and the Delphi archaeological site from December 16, 2012 to April 30, 2013.
As a whole, the works of art on display are focused on Man, on dealing with and communicating information, and are part of an elliptical type of communication, a particular kind of oracle.
The Passers-by point towards a re-meditation – as a tribute to the Delphic spirit and light – by keeping up the cultural dialogue between the present and the past.
The exhibition is centred on the installation of the Passers-by, a multitude of iron human figures, the seven Gates, an iron construction, the Arc of Information, a Plexiglas installation, Apollo, acrylic matter on paper, the Gate of Writing, ink on paper, and other pieces.
A dialogue between the classic masterpieces of art and the modern visual creations is what the visual artist Georgios Xenos is undertaking with his exhibition in Delphi. The exhibition, entitled “Passers-by”, is to involve individual works and unities of works, mainly constructions (installations), displayed in specifically selected areas of the Archaeological Museum of Delphi and the archaeological site of Delphi. The works “inspired by writing (literature) which has played a central role as the main axis of human existence, encourage a dialectic, attributing to the artistic product its true extent of meaning, thus promoting education and culture, forces magnificently beneficial to societies” quotes Georgios Xenos.